Pillow Talk: How your sleep habits affect your hair
Getting your beauty rest is vital for your overall health and well-being. Not only does it impact our physical and mental health, but it can also affect the health of our hair. Read on to see if you’re PM routines are sabotaging your hair health.
01 Lack of Sleep
One of the most significant ways that your sleeping habits can impact your hair is through hair loss. Sleep deprivation leads to physical stress in the body. In turn, this can cause your hair follicles to enter the resting phase. This phase causes hair loss, and if it happens frequently, could lead to thinning hair or even bald patches.
Improve your sleep quality:
Try a noise machine or a noise playlist at night. Pink noise has equal energy across all frequencies, similar to white noise. White and pink noise can help drown out external sounds and promote relaxation.
Use a sleep supplement like melatonin or GABA (never heard of GABA? Start here)
Wear a silk eyemask to block unwanted light disturbances. A 2010 study showed that sleepers were able to spend more time in REM sleep while wearing a sleep mask.
02 Your Bedding
Stop sleeping on cotton pillowcases. Cotton is a rough material that can cause friction between your hair and the pillowcase. This friction can lead to hair breakage, split ends, and even hair loss. To prevent this, consider switching to a silk or satin pillowcase. These materials are much smoother and will cause less friction on your hair, keeping it healthy and beautiful.
Bonus - Natural silk won’t absorb your skincare products or leech moisture away from the hair or skin.
03 Damp Hair
If you're someone who likes to shower before bed and sleep with wet hair, you might be doing more harm than good. Sleeping with wet hair can cause your hair to tangle and break. Wet hair is also more fragile than dry hair, so sleeping with it wet can cause it to become damaged more easily. To prevent this, make sure your hair is completely dry before going to bed, or consider showering in the morning instead.
It’s also important to note that if you’re our client and have extensions, you should blow dry your extensions to maintain their shine and prevent knotting.